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Lisa Beal, Beal Lab, Agulhas Current Time-series (ACT), Agulhas System Climate Array (ASCA), Agulhas Climate Modeling, Beal Aguhlas

Agulhas System Climate Array (ASCA)

An error in the rotation of the ADCP data at moorings C and D was identified. This coding error affected the mean values of volume, temperature, and salinity transports, but had negligible impact on the variability of these transports. This error is reported in the corrigenda of McMonigal et al (2021) and Gunn et al. (2021). The datasets available here have been corrected as of 15 August 2021.

Twenty six month in situ volume, temperature, and salt transport 

These are 26 month time series of in situ volume, temperature, and salt transports of the Agulhas Current, as described in McMonigal et al. (2020), doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0018.1 and Gunn et al (2020), doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0093.1. It includes measurements of the boundary layer transports (Tbox), as well as a streamwise defined jet transports (Tjet) at 20 hour time steps.

If you use these data, please include the following citation and acknowledgement: 
Agulhas Current transport is based on in situ current meter measurements from the Agulhas System Climate Array (ASCA) experiment (McMonigal et al., 2020; Gunn et al., 2020) and can be downloaded at

Twenty six month cross sectional velocity, temperature, and salinity of the Agulhas Current

This dataset is 26 months of gridded cross sectional velocity, temperature, and salinity, from the Agulhas System Climate Array (ASCA). These velocities, temperatures, and salinities are used to create the volume, temperature, and salt transport time series (above).

If you use these data, please include the following citation and acknowledgement: 
Gridded cross-sectional velocities, temperatures, and salinities are based on in situ current meter measurements from the Agulhas System Climate Array (ASCA) experiment (McMonigal et al., 2020; Gunn et al., 2020) and can be downloaded at

Agulhas Current Time-series (ACT)

Twenty two year Agulhas Current Time-series volume transport proxy

This is a 22 year proxy of Agulhas Current volume transport, as described in Beal & Elipot (2016): doi: 10.1038/nature19853 and used in Elipot and Beal (2018): doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0597.1. The code to produce the proxy is available at:

If you use these data, please include the following citation and acknowledgement: 
The Agulhas Current transport proxy (Beal and Elipot, 2016) is based on a relationship between satellite sea surface height and in situ current meter measurements from the Agulhas Current Time-series (ACT) experiment and can be downloaded at 

Three year in situ Agulhas Current volume transport

This 34 month in situ time series of Agulhas Current transport includes measurements of the boundary layer transport (Tbox), as well as a streamwise defined jet transport (Tjet). For more details, see Beal et al. (2015): doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0119.1. This transport is based on the gridded velocity data available below.

If you use these data, please include the following citation and acknowledgement: 
Agulhas Current transport is based on in situ current meter measurements from the Agulhas Current Time-series (ACT) experiment (Beal et al., 2015) and can be downloaded at

Three year gridded cross sectional velocity of the Agulhas Current

34 months of gridded cross sectional velocity, from the Agulhas Current Time-series. These velocities are used to create the volume transport time series (above).

If you use these data, please include the following citation and acknowledgement: 
Gridded cross-sectional velocities are based on in situ current meter measurements from the Agulhas Current Time-series (ACT) experiment (Beal et al., 2015) and can be downloaded at

